School Education Supply

Bitumen Testing Instruments 

Bitumen Testing Instruments
Science Lab Suppliers from India and Science School Teaching Equipment Manufacturers, Science Lab Instruments India and School Lab Kits Tenders Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, China, Chile, Suppliers

Engineering Laboratory Instruments Manufacturers China, Engineering School Lab Equipment Suppliers India are Educational Equipment and Training Systems Manufacturers of Bitumen Testing Instruments, Bitumen Testing Instruments Manufacturer India, Bitumen Testing Instruments Exporters India, Bitumen Testing Instruments Suppliers India, Bitumen Testing Instruments, Bitumen Testing Instruments in India, Didactic School Experiment Kit for Bitumen Testing Instruments, Bitumen Testing Instruments for Science School Lab, Bitumen Testing Instruments Manufacturers in India.
  • Ring & Ball Apparatus
    Product Code :BTI001
    This apparatus is used to determine Softening point of Bitumen. It is that temperature at which a sample of bituminous material loaded by a 9.5mm dia ...

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  • Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK)
    Product Code :BTI002
    Used to determine the water in petroleum products or bituminous materials by distilling them with volatile solvent. The equipment comprises electric h...

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  • Ring & Ball Apparatus (Electrical)
    Product Code :BTI003
    Electrical heating, with a Heater and Energy Regulator, Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply. Each unit is supplied with b...

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  • Standard Penetrometer
    Product Code :BTI004
    Used to determine grade of bitumen. The penetration tests determine consistency of bitumen for the purpose of grading. Depth in units 1/10 of millimet...

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  • Semi-Automatic Penetrometer
    Product Code :BTI005
    Same as ZI 5003 but the unit is compact with timer to control duration of penetration. The instrument is provided with lead screw gear arrangement, Le...

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  • Straight Edge (3 Meters)
    Product Code :BTI006
    A straight edge approximately 3 metres in length may be used to determine lateral surface regularity of a road surface. This lightweight apparatus is ...

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  • Reflux Extractor 4000 GMS
    Product Code :BTI007
    The simple apparatus working on the same operation principle of consisting of cylindrical glass jar supporting two metal cones of stainless steel clot...

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  • Hardness Tester for Mastic Asphalt
    Product Code :BTI008
    For determining the hardness number of Mastic Asphalt for flooring. It consist of an internally insulated cabinet to the base of which is fitted a wat...

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  • Stripping Value Apparatus
    Product Code :BTI009
    For determining stripping value of bituminous mixes having aggregate size: 1.0mm to 75 micron. SPECIFICATION : A circular tray rotates in a verti...

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  • Binder Extractor (Hand Operated)
    Product Code :BTI010
    The Instrument is used for determination and checking of Bitumen percentage in Bituminous mix, the mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen i...

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  • Centrifuge Extractor (Motorised)
    Product Code :BTI011-A
    Centrifuge Extractor, Electrical Operation, Capacity 1500g, with a Dimmer stat for speed control from 2,400 to 3,600 rpm. Suitable for operation on 23...

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  • Centrifuge Extractor (Motorised)
    Product Code :BTI011-B
    Used for the determination of bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures. It consists of a removable, precision machined aluminium rotor bowl (accessor...

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  • SAY Bolt Viscometer
    Product Code :BTI012
    Say bolt Viscometer, Electrically Heated, ASTM D88, D244, AASHTO T72 for the empirical measurement of Say bolt Viscosity of petroleum products at spec...

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  • Standard TAR Viscometer
    Product Code :BTI013-A
    Electrical Heating with Immersion Heating Elements and Dimmer stat for controlling the temperature. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50Hz, Single Phas...

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  • Standard TAR Viscometer
    Product Code :BTI013-B
    Electrical Heating Similar to ZI P-117, but with 4mm Cup and Valve. Replacement Parts ZI P-118-01 Cup , 4mm ZI P-118-02 Ball Valve, 4mm...

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  • Manual Compaction
    Product Code :BTI014-A
    Comprising Mould body, base plate and combined filling / extraction collar. Satisfies BS 598...

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  • Compaction Pedestal
    Product Code :BTI014-B
    Comprising a 300mm sq x 25mm thick steel plate complete with 4 tie rods and securing nuts. A mould clamp and hammer guide are fitted to the plate. The...

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  • Compaction Pedestal
    Product Code :BTI014-C
    Comprising a 12” square x 1 inch thick steel plate secured to an 8” square x 18” high wooden block. 4 angle brackets are supplied for securing t...

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  • Mixer with Heating Jacket
    Product Code :BTI015
    A 6-litre Mixer Used in conjunction with an Iso Mantle, is suitable for mixing samples of asphalt. Bench mounting Mixer, 6 liter nominal capacity. Sup...

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  • Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
    Product Code :BTI016-A
    MARSHALL APPARATUS CONSISTS OF: Robust Construction 50KN capacity Rate of travel 50.8mm/min Safety cut-off switch It consists of body housing, ...

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  • Digital Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
    Product Code :BTI016-B
    This versatile digital loading frame features a microprocessor controlled drive system with stepper motor enabling the operator to easily set any test...

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  • Pavement Core Drilling Machine
    Product Code :BTI017
    The Pavement Core Drilling Machine. Diesel engine powered road building drill has been designed specifically for the purpose of drilling test cores fr...

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  • Automatic Compactor
    Product Code :BTI018
    Automatic Compactor for Bituminous Mixes Rugged construction to withstand hard work Fully automatic and easy to operate Uniform compaction Auto...

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  • Ductility Testing Apparatus
    Product Code :BTI019
    Designed to test three specimens simultaneously. The machine consists of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear ...

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    Product Code :BTI020
    Lightweight Aluminium construction Ease of Transportation Unique Telescopic Design Simplifying Field set up Compact, Thereby reducing the amount of...

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  • Loss on Heating/ Thin Film Oven
    Product Code :BTI021
    This dual purpose oven is designed to determine the loss in weight of bitumen and flux oils (Loss on Heating test) and the effect of heat and air on a...

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  • Rolling Thin Film Oven
    Product Code :BTI022
    Certified temperature control Digital Display Internal Fan The Rolling Thin Film Oven Test is used to obtain homogeneously aged material by the a...

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  • Automatic Road Unevenness Recorder
    Product Code :BTI023
    Automatic Road Unevenness Recorder comprises of a trailer of single wheel with a pneumatic type mounted on chaise over which are installed profile rec...

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