School Education Supply

Microtomy Equipments 

Microtomy Equipments
Science Lab Suppliers from India and Science School Teaching Equipment Manufacturers, Science Lab Instruments India and School Lab Kits Tenders Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Suppliers

Engineering Laboratory Instruments Manufacturers China, Engineering School Lab Equipment Suppliers India are Educational Equipment and Training Systems Manufacturers of Microtomy Equipments, Microtomy Equipments Manufacturer India, Microtomy Equipments Exporters India, Microtomy Equipments Suppliers India, Microtomy Equipments, Microtomy Equipments in India, Didactic School Experiment Kit for Microtomy Equipments, Microtomy Equipments for Science School Lab, Microtomy Equipments Manufacturers in India.
  • Automatic Razor Sharpner (Arthur Thomas Type)
    Product Code :ME001
    A heavy duty sharpening machine for razors upto 300 mm length. It is equipped with large round hard surface plate with one side ground and other side ...

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  • Automatic Razor Sharpners (Spencer Type)
    Product Code :ME002
    A streamlined automatic microtome knife sharpner with electric timer coupled with simple operation for razors upto 185 mm on both the wedges. Working ...

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  • Automatic Tissue Processor
    Product Code :ME003
    Compact and versatile equipment for staining process automisation from stage one of fixation of tissue and dehydration process to paraffin wax saturat...

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  • Cryostat Microtome
    Product Code :ME004
    Most versatile section cutting machine for quick sectioning of tissues instantly freezed on built-in rapid freeze stage for Biological, veterinary and...

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  • Freezing Microtome
    Product Code :ME005
    Versatile sectioning machine for quick processing of frozen material by carbon dioxide freezing attachment. Table clamping is provided. Suitable to cu...

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  • Microtomy Accessories (At extra cost)
    Product Code :ME006
    Razor Attachment : for use of safety blade in place of Microtome Razor. Microtome Razor : Fabricated out of grain tool steel heat treated and teste...

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  • Paraffin Embedding Bath
    Product Code :ME007
    Body made of mild steel sheet duly painted. Top made of M.S./S.S. sheet. Complete with wax pots with covers. Temperature ambient to 70C controlled by ...

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  • Paraffin Dispenser (Embedding Bath-Single)
    Product Code :ME008
    Double walled, both made of stainless steel sheet, gap filled with glass wool for temp. insulation. Temperature range ambient to 70C controlled by hyd...

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  • Rotary Senior Microtome (Spencer 820 Type)
    Product Code :ME009
    Standard latest sectioning equipment for cutting serial sections in Medical & Biological research work. The mechanism is protected by a hinged cover. ...

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  • Rotary Microtome (Erma Type)
    Product Code :ME010
    Simple but versatile rotary microtome for cutting of uniform sections upto 25 microns in steps of 1 micron each. The internal structure is completely ...

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  • Slide Storage Cabinet
    Product Code :ME011
    Cabinet fabricated out of thick board. Exterior clad in laminated sheet. Drawers and slide holding grooves made of seasoned Teakwood/aluminium seriall...

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  • Slide Storage Cabinet (Flat Position)
    Product Code :ME012
    Cabinet structure as Model-JP-13. The slides are stored in flat position in Aluminium trays Model : JP-8. The trays slide in wooden groves and have pu...

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  • Slide Warming Table
    Product Code :ME013
    Useful for slow but uniform heating of slides to flatten sections below melting point of wax. S.S. top plate mounted on metallic stand with a thermost...

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  • Sliding Microtome (Jung Type)
    Product Code :ME014
    Sturdy sectioning equipment for paraffin, cellodine embedded specimen or in natural form. Suitable to cut sections upto 40 microns in steps of 2 micro...

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  • Specimen Jar
    Product Code :ME015
    Made of clear acrylic sheet chemically welded to prevent from leakage rectangler shape with cover. Can be fabricated in any size. Price In Dollar :...

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  • Tissue Flotation Bath
    Product Code :ME016
    Useful to float tissue wax sections to flatten for staining process. Double Walled chamber, inner made of black anodised aluminium and outer wall made...

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  • Tissue Wax Block Storage Cabinet
    Product Code :ME017
    Cabinet made out of Duro-board, externally clad in laminated sheet. Dust-proof door is lockable. Provided with smoothly sliding drawers with sixteen c...

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  • Tissue Culture Station Single Unit
    Product Code :ME018
    Compact model, suitable for use in small Laboratories. Supplied with One S.S. Basket Rotor, One S.S. Tissue Basket, One S.S. Wax Bath, 24 Nos. S.S Tis...

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  • Wood Microtome
    Product Code :ME019
    Heavy duty Microtome for sectioning hard materials like wood, bone etc. upto 8 x 5 cms. size in steps of 1 micron each upto 30 microns Technical Fe...

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Science Lab Products
Laboratory Equipments Search Tag's:
Vibrating Table, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Martinique, Isolated Organ Baths, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Swaziland, Hookes Joint Mechanism Lab Kit Suppliers India, Education Kit, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Trinidad Tobago, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Moldova, Electric Fields Study Set Suppliers India, Vicat Method, Soil Trimmer (Hand Operated), Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Chad, Rotary Microtome (Erma Type), Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Heart Lever Starling, Long Paper Extension, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Brunei, Scotch Yoke Mechanism Lab Kit Suppliers India, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Western Sahara, Jackson Enterograph, Gunn Diode, Cold Room, Mixer with Heating Jacket, Spirometer, Mechanics Study Kit Set Suppliers India, Spectrophotometer (uv, Student Nerve-muscle Assembly, Electricity Technical Training Lab Equipment Suppliers India, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Lithuania, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Laos, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Hong Kong, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers North San Marino, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers El Salvador, Particle Size Sedimentation By Hydrometer Method, DIGITAL FLAME PHOTO METER, Laboratory Incubator, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Island, Rapid Moisture Meter 0-25%, Universal Water Bath (Serological Type), Glass Beakers (Borosilicate), GEOMETRICAL MODELS WOODEN (LSE), Semi Automatic Cone Penetrometer, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Mongolia, Fiber Optic Video Link, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Venezuela, Perfusion Assembly / Lagendroff Assembly, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Albania, Microprocessor Ph Meter, Microprocessor Turbidity Meter, Lab Equipments and Instruments Suppliers Togo,