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Soil Testing Instruments 

Soil Testing Instruments
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  • Plastic Limit Test
    Product Code :STI001
    Moisture contents at which soil has smallest plasticity is called limit. For determination purpose plastic limit is defined as the water content at wh...

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  • Shrinkage Limit Set
    Product Code :STI002
    Shrinkage limit is the maximum water content at which a reduction in water content does not cause an appreciable reduction in volume of the Soil Mass....

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  • Linear Shrinkage Mould
    Product Code :STI003
    A simple mould which is filled with the soil under test. This is then dried and the resulting decrease os length of the specimen measured is expressed...

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  • Soil Cone Penetrometer
    Product Code :STI004
    For determining the liquid limit of soils. This is specially useful to obtain reliable and accurate results of those soil which have low plasticity in...

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  • Semi Automatic Cone Penetrometer
    Product Code :STI005
    Used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state. Two Version are available. One the standard one & th...

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  • Liquid Limit Device
    Product Code :STI006-A
    Casagrande method in mechanical form is known as liquid limit method and has been in use for soil mechanics for a number of decades. The liquid limit ...

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  • Liquid Limit Device (with Counter)
    Product Code :STI006-B
    Same as ZI 3004 but fitted with a counter to register the number of blows....

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  • Liquid Limit Device (Motorised)
    Product Code :STI006-C
    Same as ZI 3004 but fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 rpm. Suitable for operation on 230 V A.C., Single Phase, 50 Cycles. S...

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  • High Speed Stirrer
    Product Code :STI007
    This is for mechanical analysis and also other laboratory applications for stirring Speed approximately 4000 R.P.M. under load. A dispersion cup is su...

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  • Grain Size Analysis (Pipette Method)
    Product Code :STI008
    This is for the determination of the sub sieve particle distribution in a soil sample by mechanical analysis. An analysis of this kind expresses quant...

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  • Particle Size Sedimentation By Hydrometer Method
    Product Code :STI009
    Particle size analysis of soils: Hydrometer method This equipment is used to determine the quantitative size distribution of very fine particle in so...

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  • Soil Hydrometer
    Product Code :STI010
    Used for grain size analysis of soils where more than 10% of the material will pass through 75 microns B.S. sieve. Manufactured from clear transparent...

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  • Sand Equivalent Test Set
    Product Code :STI011
    Used to determine the relevant proportions of clay-like or Plastic fines and dust in granular soils & fine aggregate Consists of: 1. Acrylic graduate...

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  • Motorised Sand Equivalent Shaker Set
    Product Code :STI012
    The unit provides a constant uniform shaking with automatic cycle test. Oscillating excursion is 200 mm at 175 strokes / minute rate. Complete with ti...

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  • Plummet Balance
    Product Code :STI013
    Conventionally particle size distribution analysis is carried out using pipette and hydrometer methods. Whereas in hydrometer method it is possible to...

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  • Marsh Cone
    Product Code :STI014
    This cone is used to find out viscosity of bentonite slurry and similar material. The marsh cone is 6 inch in diameter at the top and 12 inch long, an...

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  • Mud Balance
    Product Code :STI015
    Designed to find out specific gravities of semi liquids like mud and other liquids having densities in the range 0.8 to 2.5. It has a stainless steel ...

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  • Standard Compaction Test
    Product Code :STI016-A
    The apparatus consists one each of compaction mould steel, 100 mm I.D. x 127.3mm height x 1000 cc. volume, complete with collar and base plate. Compac...

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  • Standard Compaction Test
    Product Code :STI016-B
    The apparatus consists one each of compaction mould steel, 105mm I.D. x 115.5mm height x 1000 cc. volume, complete with collar and base plate. Compact...

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  • Standard Compaction Test
    Product Code :STI016-C
    The apparatus consists one each of compaction mould steel, 101.6mm I.D. x 116.4mm height x 944 cc. volume, complete with collar and base plate Compact...

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  • Heavy Compaction Test
    Product Code :STI017-A
    The apparatus consists one each of compaction mould steel, 152.4mmI.D. x 116.4mm height x 2124 cc. volume, complete with collar and base plate Compact...

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  • Heavy Compaction Test
    Product Code :STI017-B
    Instrument consists one each of compaction mould steel 150 mm I.D. x 127.3mm height volume 2250cc. Complete with collar and base plate Compaction Ramm...

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  • Semi-Automatic Compactor
    Product Code :STI018
    Now a days almost every soil laboratory conducts compaction and penetration tests on soils. In both standard and heavy compaction tests the operator h...

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  • Universal-Automatic Compactor
    Product Code :STI019
    It is a motor driven mechanical compactor useful for soil compaction into 100mm to 102 mm & 150mm to 152.4 mm diameter moulds. Two sets of Rammers are...

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  • Proctor Needles (Spring Type)
    Product Code :STI020
    The instrument consists of a needle attached to a spring loaded plunger, the stem of which is calibrated to read 0 to 40 kg division. Long stem is gra...

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  • Proctor Needles (Hydraulic Type)
    Product Code :STI021
    This is identical to ZI 3018, except that the penetration pressure on the needle is conveyed through a hydraulic system to a hydraulic pressure gauge....

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  • Pocket Penetrometer
    Product Code :STI022
    This instrument is used to estimate approximate unconfined compressive strength and the estimation to shear strength of soil Cohesive soils can also b...

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  • VICKSBERG Penetrometer (Proving Ring Type)
    Product Code :STI023
    This is fork determining the bearing capacity of sub grades or for compaction control. It also used for rapidly of soils in shallow exploration work. ...

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  • Speedy Moisture Meter (D2 Large)
    Product Code :STI024
    The unit consists of a pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap, capacity is 20 gms. Rubber sealing gasket, pressure gauge calibrated in percentage ...

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  • Rapid Moisture Meter 0-50%
    Product Code :STI025-A
    The unit consists of a pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap, capacity is 6 gms . Rubber sealing gasket, pressure gauge calibrated in percentage ...

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  • Rapid Moisture Meter 0-25%
    Product Code :STI025-B
    Same as ZI 3023 but pressure gauge calibrated 0-25% x 0.25% SPARES : Carbide reagent, in bottles of 500 gms. each available on extra cost....

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  • Infrared Moisture Meter
    Product Code :STI026
    It is a fast ,accurate method to derive direct moisture % in a sample by Loss on Heating Method. Heating arrangement consists of a 250 watt heating la...

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  • Permeability Apparatus (Falling Head Permeability)
    Product Code :STI027
    The apparatus is used for the laboratory determination of permeability of soil using a constant or a variable head. This test is recommended for soils...

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  • Universal Permeability
    Product Code :STI028
    Same as ZI 3026 but instead of a set of three glass stand pipes a stand with nine glass tubes of 6mm, 10mm, 20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 75mm, ...

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  • Sand Pouring Cylinder
    Product Code :STI029-A
    This apparatus is used for the in place determination of the dry density of compact, line and medium grained soils and for layers not exceeding 50cm t...

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  • Sand Pouring Cylinder
    Product Code :STI029-B
    This apparatus is as per the BS standard for 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm dia cylinders....

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  • Sand Density Cone Apparatus
    Product Code :STI030
    Used to determine the in-situ density of fine grained compacted soil. The test consist in digging a hole into the ground and then collect, dry and wei...

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  • Core Cutter
    Product Code :STI031
    This is used for determination of in situ dry density of natural or compacted fine grained soil, free from aggregates. A cylindrical cutter is used to...

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  • Pycnometers
    Product Code :STI032
    Useful to determine specific gravity of clays, sand and gravel of size smaller than 10mm. SPECIFICATION : Comprises a 1 kg. glass jar with brass con...

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  • Density Bottle (GAY-LUSSAC Type)
    Product Code :STI033
    For determining the particle density (specific gravity) of sand, fine aggregate & filler. Capacity 25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1000ml....

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  • Particle Density by Gas Jar Method (End-Over-End Shaker)
    Product Code :STI034
    This method applies for soil containing upto 10% of particles retained on 37.5 mm sieve. The equipment is used to rotate two gas jars at approx. 50 R....

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  • Relative Density Test
    Product Code :STI035
    The equipment is used for the determination of the relative density of cohesion less free draining soils and meets the essential requirements. Spec...

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  • Soil Testing Kit
    Product Code :STI036
    A very useful kit to determine on the spot soil pH value. This is a compact kit easy to carry on site. CONSISTS OF : 12 thick walled test tubes wit...

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  • Water Testing Kit
    Product Code :STI037

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  • Colour Standard Chart
    Product Code :STI038
    For the determination of organic impurities in soils and fine aggregates....

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  • Earth Resistivity Meter
    Product Code :STI039
    Capable of measuring earth voltage (V A.C.) 2mA measuring current permits the testing of earth resistance without tripping earth leakage current circ...

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  • Universal Extruder Frame Hydraulic
    Product Code :STI040
    The extractor frame is used for taking out soil samples compacted or undisturbed, from 100mm dia and 150mm dia cylinders such as Core Cutters, Proctor...

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  • Extractor Frame Universal (Screw Type)
    Product Code :STI041
    Designed to extract specimens from almost every type of sampling tube and mould used in solid engineering laboratory or in the field. It can be mounte...

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  • Soil Trimmer (Hand Operated)
    Product Code :STI042
    For trimming various diameter specimen for triaxial and unconfined compression tests. SPECIFICATION: The lower specimen grip is mounted on a disc ...

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  • Soil Lathe (Motorised) Bench Mounting
    Product Code :STI043
    This instrument is used for preparing soil samples for various tests like Triaxial Test, Unconfined Compression Test etc. Soil lathe consist of a cabi...

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  • Constant Volume Mould
    Product Code :STI044-A
    For specimen size 38mm x 76mm long comprises. Split mould 38mm dia x 126mm long. End plug 38mm dia x 25mm long pair. Split collar interchangeable. Eje...

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  • Constant Volume Mould
    Product Code :STI044-B
    BS 1924 for 50mm dia x 100mm long specimen comprises of Slit mould 50mm dia x 178mm long. End plugs 50mm x 39mm long pair. Split collar and ejecting p...

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  • Consolidation Apparatus (Single Gang)
    Product Code :STI045
    Consolidation test is un-dimentional test considered extremely important in soil mechanics. Sample taken from adjacent areas of a single site show dif...

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  • Consolidation Apparatus (Front Loading Type)
    Product Code :STI046
    Rigidly manufactured from aluminium alloy casting to provide a high degree of accuracy with any frame distorsion under load. The load bridge group is ...

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  • Consolidation Apparatus (Floating Ring Type)
    Product Code :STI047
    Water trough : Floating ring type of Consolidometer (Odeometer) cell assembly for 60mm dia x 20mm thick specimens complete with floating ring with two...

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  • Consolidation Apparatus (Three Gang Model)
    Product Code :STI048-A
    Rigidly manufactured from aluminium alloy casting to provide a high degree of accuracy with any frame distorsion under load. The load bridge group is ...

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  • Consolidation Apparatus (Electronic Bench Model)
    Product Code :STI048-B
    Same as ZI 3048 except that the data is displayed and acquired in the digital electronic system. Unit confirms To BS 1377:5 standard....

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  • Digital Direct/ Residual/ Shear Apparatus
    Product Code :STI049
    Used to determine the resistance to shearing of all types of soil specimens both consolidated and drained, undisturbed or remoulded samples. The machi...

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  • Direct Shear (Motorised Twelve Speed)
    Product Code :STI050-A
    The apparatus comprises of the following. LOADING UNIT : Supplied with load yoke with direct and lever system for applying load. Normal stress capac...

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  • Direct Shear (Electronic 12 Speed Motorised)
    Product Code :STI050-B
    The unit is same as ZI 3051 except that the transducers (i.e. Displacement sensors & S type Load Cell ) with microprocessor display system provided in...

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  • Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus (Spring Type Autographic)
    Product Code :STI051
    Spring type unconfined compression testing apparatus can be used either in a laboratory or in field. SPECIFICATION : Consists of a spring operated...

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Science Lab Products
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