School Education Supply

Sugar Factory Instrument 

Sugar Factory Instrument
Science Lab Suppliers from India and Science School Teaching Equipment Manufacturers, Science Lab Instruments India and School Lab Kits Tenders Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Bolivia, Burundi, Suppliers

Engineering Laboratory Instruments Manufacturers China, Engineering School Lab Equipment Suppliers India are Educational Equipment and Training Systems Manufacturers of Sugar Factory Instrument, Sugar Factory Instrument Manufacturer India, Sugar Factory Instrument Exporters India, Sugar Factory Instrument Suppliers India, Sugar Factory Instrument, Sugar Factory Instrument in India, Didactic School Experiment Kit for Sugar Factory Instrument, Sugar Factory Instrument for Science School Lab, Sugar Factory Instrument Manufacturers in India.
  • Abbe Type Refrectometer
    Product Code :SFI001
    For the examination of liquids open the prism box and place a few drops upon the ground surface of the lower prism. Close and fasten the prism box whe...

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  • Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus (IP 12)
    Product Code :SFI002
    It is for etermination of heat combustion, calorific value and sulphur contents of solid and liquid fuels. The Bomb body and lid are machined from cor...

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  • Flow Cup Viscometer
    Product Code :SFI003
    A simple straight units for determination of consistency of oil, resins, Printing ink, and paints etc. Flow cup is available in different sizes of Jet...

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  • Hand Sugar Refrectometer
    Product Code :SFI004
    This is a light Instrument for field use for stimation of sugar contentsin sugar cane other aqueous solution for sucrose etc. This instrument is used ...

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  • Infrared Moisture Balance
    Product Code :SFI005
    The infrared moisture balance is an instrument for measuring the moisture content of materials that do not change their chemical structure while losin...

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  • Oil and Sugar refrectomete
    Product Code :SFI006
    Oil and Sugar refrectometer is an indispensable tool for use of all industries using sugar, oil, fats and many other similar substances. In milk plant...

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  • Polari meter 220 mm
    Product Code :SFI007
    An ideal instrument for quality control with better accuracy. Suitable for testing sugar solution and other optically active liquids. Accommodate 220 ...

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  • Polari meter 400 mm
    Product Code :SFI008
    An ideal instrument for quality control with better accuracy. Suitable for tesing sugar solution and oher optically active liquids. Accomodate 400 mm....

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  • Polarimeter Tubes
    Product Code :SFI009

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  • Ulta Violet Inspection Box
    Product Code :SFI0010
    This is a small dark room of ultra violet radians suitable for detecting chemical cases in cheques an other documents ultra violet radients be 6/8 wat...

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Science Lab Products
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