School Education Supply

Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) 

Water Stills (Glass & Quartz)
Science Lab Suppliers from India and Science School Teaching Equipment Manufacturers, Science Lab Instruments India and School Lab Kits Tenders Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Suppliers

Engineering Laboratory Instruments Manufacturers China, Engineering School Lab Equipment Suppliers India are Educational Equipment and Training Systems Manufacturers of Water Stills (Glass & Quartz), Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) Manufacturer India, Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) Exporters India, Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) Suppliers India, Water Stills (Glass & Quartz), Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) in India, Didactic School Experiment Kit for Water Stills (Glass & Quartz), Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) for Science School Lab, Water Stills (Glass & Quartz) Manufacturers in India.
    Product Code :WS001
    The first All Quartz Double Distiller was introduced by us in the year 1980 for obtaining high purity water. Until then double distilled water was pre...

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  • All Quartz Double Distiller(AQDD)-XL RSH with PTS New improved version of AQDD with advanced features!
    Product Code :WS002

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills
    Product Code :WS003
    Interlabs WSQ - 4, water distillation unit gives high quality distilled water having an output of 4 lit/hr with a power input of 3 KW. Interlab's uniq...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (EASY-STILL MARK-4 )
    Product Code :WS004
    The Easy-Still Mark-4 has an elegant design, is economical and efficient. It is available in attractive colours. The yield is 4 lit/hr with a power...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (EasyStill 1500 SDQ Single Distillation silica heater )
    Product Code :WS005
    Easystill Mark 1500 SDQ/DDQ, single and double distillation unit gives high quality distilled water with an output of 1.5 lit/hr, having a power input...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (EasyStill 2000 SDQ XL PTS)
    Product Code :WS006
    Interlabs Easy-Still Mark 2000 SDQ/DDQ XL PTS, single and double distillation units provide good quality distilled water with an output of 2.0 lit/hr....

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (EasyStill Mark 4 XL)
    Product Code :WS007
    The New "Interlabs Easystill ES-Mark 4 XL" provides high quality distilled water and incorporates several new & advanced safety features with addition...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (Pure Hit Still-XL)
    Product Code :WS008
    Interlabs Pure Hit Still XL provides good quality distilled water for use in laboratories. It is designed for reliable continuous operation and it inc...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (PURE-HIT Q STILL )
    Product Code :WS009
    The new improved Interlabs Pure Hit Q Stills are made from Borosilicate glass (Pyrex glass) manufactured with a host of advanced safety features for L...

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  • Borosilicate Glass Stills (PURE-HIT STILL)
    Product Code :WS0010
    Interlabs Pure Hit Stills are designed for reliable continuous operation incorporating a host of features unmatched by comparable stills. It is eas...

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  • Mini Quartz Distiller
    Product Code :WS0011
    Mini-quartz distiller for water is compact and portable with a specially designed Quartz boiler and Quartz/Borosilicate condenser(optional). Quartz ca...

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    Product Code :WS0012
    A very useful and effective equipment for the production of very pure and spectroscopic grade acids and solvents for use in research and analytical wo...

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  • Watch Glasses (L.S.E)
    Product Code :WS0013
    Made from clear glass sheet, (1.8mm to 2.0mm thick) fine ground and polished edges. Packed in boxes of 12. 50mm...

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  • Watch Glasses (L.S.E)
    Product Code :WS0014
    Made from clear glass sheet, (1.8mm to 2.0mm thick) fine ground and polished edges. Packed in boxes of 12. 65mm...

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  • Water Bath (L.S.E)
    Product Code :WS0015
    This standard size (8 x 2.75) water bath is ideal for heating flasks, bottles, tubes, etc. Features seven concentric rings, flat bottom, and a steam e...

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  • Water Bath (LSE)
    Product Code :WS0016
    The low-cost portable water bath you've been waiting for. Most economical thermostatically-controlled water bath available today! Large 1.6 liter tank...

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    Product Code :WS0017
    Hemispherical, made of thick aluminium sheet, with two handles and a set of concentric rings....

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    Product Code :WS0018
    Hemispherical made from thick copper sheet, with two handles and a set of concentric rings....

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    Product Code :WS0019
    Rectangular water bath is suitable for evaporating liquids like alcohol or for melting solids such as agar. Concentric rings can be removed to accommo...

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    Product Code :WS0020
    Rectangular water bath is suitable for evaporating liquids like alcohol or for melting solids such as agar. Concentric rings can be removed to accommo...

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