34X EXTENSION SET, MULTI JOINT (LSE) Manufacturers & Exporters, 34X EXTENSION SET, MULTI JOINT (LSE) Supply for Tenders from India
Description: An extension set, which converts, set 34BU (Cat No. 2080960) to set 33BU (Cat No. 2081080). Comprising 10 components as detailed below. Components Socket size Cone size Stirrer, link Stirrer guide 19/26 19/26 Splash head 19/26 24/29 Pear shaped, funnel, 500mL 19/26 19/26 Adapter with 'T' connection 19/26 24/29 Drying tube 19/26 Drying tube 19/26 Flask, R.B., 500mL 24/29 Stirrer gland 19/26 Air leak / steam inlet tube 19/26 2081000 34X Extension Set, Multi Joint