School Education Supply

Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condencer)

Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condencer)

Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condencer) Manufacturers & Exporters, Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condencer) Supply for Tenders from India

Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condencer)

Product Code : CON001

Description: Cat.No Socket Cone Effective Length (mm) 190.01 -- 19/26 200 190.02 -- 24/29 200 190.03 -- 29/32 200 190.04 -- 34/35 200 190.05 -- 40/38 200 190.06 -- 50/42 200 190.07 -- 50/42 250 190.08 19/26 19/26 200 190.09 24/29 24/29 200 190.10 19/26 19/26 300 190.11 24/29 24/29 300 190.12 24/29 24/29 400 190.13 24/29 24/29 500 190.14 34/35 34/35 500

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