School Education Supply

Humidity Chamber

Humidity Chamber

Humidity Chamber Manufacturers & Exporters, Humidity Chamber Supply for Tenders from India

Humidity Chamber

Product Code : GLE017

Description: CONSTRUCTION : Double walled outer M.S. Sheet duly powder coated. Inner Aluminium/ Stainless Steel with 2nos. adjustable shelves duly perforated. Having heavy duty M.S. Stand. The door is an impressive structure having glass window & sealed by Rubber Gasket. Gap between the walls is filled with glass. CONTROL PANEL : Consist of Temp. controller Le. Thermostat for dry temp. Control, Wet Temp. controller Energy Regulator, Mains, Dry, Wet Indicator Humidity Indicator, Mains, Illumination Switch. Humidity controlled by Imported Humidistate placed inside the chambar. Supplied with Hygrometer/ wet and dry thermomter to check exact Humidity inside the chamber. The Temperature is recorded on the \"L\" shaped prismatic Thermometer fitted at the front of the cabinet. The water tank is provided at the bottom & the steam is circulated by water pump/motor fitted at the top of the chamber. (Available sizes are same as given below)

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