School Education Supply

Microprocessor Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Microprocessor Dissolved Oxygen Meter Manufacturers & Exporters, Microprocessor Dissolved Oxygen Meter Supply for Tenders from India

Microprocessor Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Product Code : AE0009

Description: It is a solid state instrument designed to provide the precise Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature measurements. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy & reproducibility. The system has user friendly prompts, which guide you throughout measurement process. The system has 8 soft touch membrane keys for ease of operation. It has the storage facility for 90 samples, which are retained in the memory even when the system is switched off. Provision has also been made for attachment for Centronix dot-matrix printer so that any of the stored results can be printed. FEATURES : 16x2 Line LCD Display Highly Stable & Accurate Auto/Manual Calibration Printer Attachment Facility 90 Samples Storage Facility

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