School Education Supply

Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter

Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter Manufacturers & Exporters, Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter Supply for Tenders from India

Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter

Product Code : AE0013

Description: It is a compact and easy to operated instrument for Photo Colorimetric analysis of a solution of any concentration. The output is available on 16x2 Line LCD display in terms of % Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs), Concentration (Conc) and k Factor. This instrument has 100-sample storage memory and printer output facility for printing data with any dot matrix printer. The use of microcontroller has made it extremely versatile and accurate instrument. 10mm path length matched test tubes are used for sample and blank. Facility has been provided to store the last K factor and the standard concentration value. User can also entry any known \'Factor\' for a test, thereby elimination the need to re-run standards again & again. The use of high class standard wide range glass filters covering 400 to 700 nm give extremely good results. The filter setting is controlled by a rotation disc having 8 filters. An automatic shutter is provided to stop the light reaching the photocell, when test tube is not inserted in the tube holder. This increase the life of photocell tremendously. FEATURES : Highly accurate & stable Range 400 to 700nm 16x2 Line alphanumeric LCD Display Printer attachment facility Storage for 100 samples

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