School Education Supply



PRESSURE CONTROLLERS Manufacturers & Exporters, PRESSURE CONTROLLERS Supply for Tenders from India


Description: Application : Online continuous pressure measurement and control on steam lines, pressure vessels, water lines, autoclave, hydrogenation, gases,hydraulic systems, food industry, medical, blowers, etc., Stainless steel imported sensors with weather proof and optional Flameproof housing certified by CMRI Dhanbad to withstand harsh plant enivronment ( All wetted parts in sensor are S.S. 316 ) Available with unique chemical seals for extremely corrosive media. Pressure Measuring Ranges 0 -1 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1000 / 2000 utpo 5000 BAR ( other higher and lower units aslo available like PSI, Kg / cm2 , mm W/C. Programming 2 Set limits ( High & Low ) with independent relays using front panel soft keys. Accuracy Better than +/- 0.25 % F.S. Display 4 1/2 Digit Red L.E.D, 7 segment, 0.56" High, Optional backlit dot matrix LCD Power 220 Volts A.C., single phase Sensor Imported Stainless steel with IP 65 Ingress Protection and standard male threaded end connection.Sensor output : 4 - 20 mA loop powered.

Science Lab Products
Laboratory Equipments Search Tag's:
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