Pyromatic Micro Hardness Tester Manufacturers & Exporters, Pyromatic Micro Hardness Tester Supply for Tenders from India
Product Code : MET0011
Description: Viewing system Objective: 40x, Micrometer eyepiece:10x, Total Magnification:400x, Working distance - 3mm, Lamp (6V,20W halogen)- Fitted with condenser, filter, Iris diaphragm and Power supply to interface 230 Volts,AC. Indentation system Loading/Unloading Mechanism * Weights - 10 to 200 gm * Indenter - Diamond Pyramid * with an angle of 136 degree * Range - 80 to 1000 Vickers * Accuracy - +/- 20 Vickers Specimen Table * Angle of turn - 0 to 180 degree * Longitudinal travel - 0 to 100mm * Crosswise travel - 0 to 10mm * Micrometer feed scale- 0.01mm/div * Total weight of the System - 20kgs (approx) * Dimensions - 340x290x380mm (approx) Model 1025A comes with Digicam, Knoop Image Analyser and required hardware and Mechanical Adaptor