School Education Supply

Measurements Of Speed

Measurements Of Speed

Measurements Of Speed Manufacturers & Exporters, Measurements Of Speed Supply for Tenders from India

Measurements Of Speed

Product Code : INS0018

Description: In order to educate the students in the field of speed measurements an experimental setup is required. It consists of source, snesors and measuring equipments (including digital non-contact type and digital contact type Tachometers). a. Source: This consists of a variable speed attachments and a motor. The maximum speed will be 3000 rpm apporx. b. Sensors: Non-contact magnetic type Non-contact photo reflective pickup Both the sensors can be used to be connected to a digital speed indicator (Tachometer) c. Digital Tachometer Non-contact type:- Display : 4 Digits LED RPM Range : 10 to 9999 RPM Resolution : 1 RPM d. Digital Tachometer Hand Held Contact Type: Range : 10 to 9999 RPM Display : LED 4 digits.

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