School Education Supply

Only Rotometer

Only Rotometer

Only Rotometer Manufacturers & Exporters, Only Rotometer Supply for Tenders from India

Only Rotometer

Product Code : INS0019

Description: a. Range : 20 to 200 cc/Min Float : PVC Conical Scale Length : 85mm. Approx b. Range : 50 to 500 cc/Min Float : 304 SS PVC Conical Scale Length : 85mm approx c. Range : 0.1 to 1 LPM Float : 304 SS PVC Conical Scale Length : 85mm approx. d. Range : 0.5 to 5 LPM Float : 304 SS Conical Scale Length : 125mm e. Range : 1 to 10 LPM Float : 304 SS PVC Conical Scale Length : 85mm approx.

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