School Education Supply



Pipettors Manufacturers & Exporters, Pipettors Supply for Tenders from India


Product Code : LAP00134

Description: Description: Lightweight and ergonomic desigh. For accurate pipetting and easy cleaning.Fixed,variable and multichannel volume available,Individually certified with serial number. Item no. Model Volume(u1) Steps(u1) Accuracy(+-%) PF500-50 fixed 50 N <4 PF500-60 fixed 100 N <4 PF500-70 fixed 200 N <4 PF500-80 fixed 250 N <4 PF500-90 fixed 500 N <4 PF500-100 fixed 1000 N <4 PF500-110 fixed 2000 N <4 PF510-30 variable 50-200 1 <4 PF510-50 variable 200-1000 5 <4 PF520-20 8 channel 50-250 5 <4

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