School Education Supply

Suction Unit Accessories : Silicon Ventuse

Suction Unit Accessories : Silicon Ventuse

Suction Unit Accessories : Silicon Ventuse Manufacturers & Exporters, Suction Unit Accessories : Silicon Ventuse Supply for Tenders from India

Suction Unit Accessories : Silicon Ventuse

Product Code : SUA005

Description: Silicone Ventuse 100 % silicone medical product. This vacuum suction cup could assist and shorten second stage of labor in occipital delivery. Minimize the risk of Traumas, Cephalohematoma and Forceps delivery. The soft suction cup allows for easy insertion and facilitate an excellent vacuum seal. The soft cup can protect and decrease possible danger of damaging the fetus' head. Black guideline is designed for positioning reference. The handle and valve assemblies are manufactured of chrome plated brass and can be replaced. The shaft has three molded ridges to facilitate a firm grip. This vacuum suction cup is designed to withstand appropriate repeated use and cleaning procedures. One Year warranty.

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